Essential Features of a Good Portfolio You Need to Know

A portfolio has, with time, proven to be an essential tool in one’s career life because it works on show and not just tell, which aims to promote your expertise and lets it speak for itself.

No matter what profession you are in today, it’s essential to have a portfolio. It carries a lot of backup proof of your exposure and increases the chances of attracting potential employers. 

As many may not see the importance of it, it actually acts as an extension of your resume. In it, there’s evidence of the work you have previously done and lists the clients you have worked with before. 

A good portfolio not only makes your work transparent but also makes it easy to have evidence of previous achievements of work done before. While it might seem negligible in some situations, more often than not, it has proven to be of great importance. 

When making a portfolio, highlight your accomplishments, experiences, skills, attributions, and work samples. These will illustrate your competencies and give a comprehensive idea of your capabilities.

A good portfolio gives you motivation, high self-esteem, and confidence when looking and applying for jobs. It also demonstrates consistency and productivity. It gives no room for self-sabotage and allows you to own your skill without putting a dent.

While making your portfolio, make sure it meets these qualifications.

Keep your portfolio current.

Make sure you update your portfolio regularly. You should include currently completed projects. This saves you the time to dig up work from your past when a potential client needs to see it.

Make it easy to navigate.

A good portfolio should be manageable. Organize your portfolio in a clear hierarchical way that makes it easily accessible.

It should be Unique.

Use your own style to bring out the aesthetic part of it. Such portfolios are pleasing to the eyes of potential clients. They show the creative side of you.

A good portfolio should be relevant.

Avoid including too much unnecessary work. Its content should be direct to the point, straightforward, and related to your work.

“A well-designed portfolio is like wearing your favorite outfit. It can be like body armor that makes you feel indestructible.”~Jon Sorrentino

If these words aren’t enough to get you to work on your portfolio, then I don’t know what will.

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