Dreams in Life- Not age nor Gender Matters

What are dreams? Many will say dreams are aspirations of life. Others will say dreams are the reasons for your existence, while some will say they are the hope for the future we want.

Dreams are the center of who you are – the essence of who you are as a person and the very purpose of your BEING. Everybody is gifted with a set of talents that they are to use to pursue their dreams and live their life of purpose. Your dream gives meaning to your life.

Ask yourself these questions? What do I want with my life? What do I want to achieve out of it? How can I make use of it to serve others while serving myself? Am I looking for a life full of poverty, derailment, sadness and frustrations, or am I looking for satisfaction, happiness, abundance, freedom and contentment? That way, you will be able to see your dream clearly because your dream is always outside of your comfort zone.

We often don’t realize we have dreams, or at times we cannot see that dream clearly with our eyes, but yes, everyone has one. It is linked to your mission on earth, and you still have yet to accomplish your dream as long as you live.

I happened to be sitting somewhere, and somebody said that everyone was given a seed and the time to realize you have one and plant it is at your young age. The time to cultivate and water it is in your 30s and 40s, and the time to reap from it is in your 50s, 60s and beyond. In your 60s, you should be seated in your house, reaping what you sowed in your youth. Does this mean that those who are old now and haven’t lived their dream yet wasted their lives? No. Neither age nor gender matters when it comes to dreams, which is why you will hear older people say, “this is my dream car, that is my dream house. They are still dreaming because living is dreaming.

Dreams aren’t just for ourselves; they are meant to touch other people. Usually, they involve service to others. With your dream, you carry the whole of humanity. We have people entirely dependent on our dreams, so we must focus and strive to achieve them.

Why then does it seem difficult to follow our dreams? First is because we fail to recognize we have them. Secondly, we take our dreams for granted. We don’t know the magnitude our dreams carry, and lastly, we do not want to get out of our comfort zones because our dreams lie out there.

Pursuing your dream requires conscious effort, growth and change. The more you pursue your dreams, the more exciting your life becomes! You become happy and can share that happiness with the rest of the world. Everyone has their star, and I hope your star aligns.

“Nothing happens unless we dream” ~ Carl Sandburg and “The more you can dream, the more you can do”~Michael Korda.

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