Be The Drive of Your Life

What we have in our hands is today, but we continually become more anxious, fearful and stressed about the future. We are daily overwhelmed because we are conditioned to think of tomorrow and swim in the thoughts of the future rather than the present.

We do not know that the future is not guaranteed, and we will never know when we will be close to the end of our time. Most of us live in the moment, and some are busy securing a future that is not guaranteed, unfortunately.

We must be careful to ensure that our lives aren’t entirely lived in our heads because we are in some imagined situation that doesn’t match our reality.

We are all going through the life journey on a bus we are not in control of. We have let others drive this bus without caring where it leads us. We are tossed and turned along the journey, eventually becoming victims when that bus crashes. Perfect time never comes. As soon as you realize it, take up the wheel and go.
Stop fantasizing about what friends have told you about how life and the future should be because you are only in control of your life and your future, not anybody else’s. Shift your mind and embrace the present because tomorrow comes disguised as today, and some of us don’t even notice.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying planning for the future is bad. It is essential because that’s the only way we can meet our goals and plans, but we cannot dwell there. People recognize what you do today and not tomorrow. If you seek to change the world, do it now.

Start gravitating towards those things you have been running away from, for they appear scary. Value today.

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