Eight proven ways to develop an attractive personality

To achieve lasting success, you must build an irrepressible personality to attract success to you. According to Napoleon hill, an attractive personality is a well-rounded personality. 

This article will look at five ways to assemble an attractive personality for successful living and how you can make the best of your personality.

Eight ways to assemble an attractive personality

1. Build a positive mental attitude

Your mental attitude is how you react in different situations and to different things. Having a positive mental attitude is seeing positives in every situation. 

These attitudes can be characterized by positive things like hope, faith, courage, optimism, etc. A positive mental attitude influences your expression, tone, and posture. It affects and attracts positivity to you.

2. Be flexible

Being flexible doesn’t mean you are malleable. It means you can quickly adapt to changes in situations or emergencies without panicking or losing your temper. 

Flexibility doesn’t mean settling for less or reducing your standard. Flexibility helps you control situations and keep everything in its place while finding an opportunity to improve the situation.

3. Have a sincere purpose

One key trait of an attractive personality is the commitment to a definite purpose. To build yourself up, be sincere to your vision and stick with it; then, you will grow in self-reliance. 

4. Develop the ability to make prompt decisions

Delay is not attractive. The world is a busy place, and you are required to make decisions that will determine your growth and development every day. Choices hold the key to everything. It is important that you can make the right decisions in life. Opportunities are everywhere, but delays in decision-making can cause you to lose them.

5. Have courtesy 

Courtesy cost nothing. It brings peace. Practicing courtesy goes beyond the five magic words, i.e., Please, excuse me, sorry, thank you, and pardon me. Courtesy is respecting and honoring people around you while ensuring that you show them your worthiness for the project.

6. Be Tactful

Do the right things at the right time and say the right things at the right time. Tact is the quality of doing and saying the right words at the right moment. It is closely related to courtesy, and one can apply both simultaneously.

Examples of being tactful are:

I. Being respectful in your tone of speaking.

ii. Waiting for your turn before speaking.

iii. Honoring people’s invitations

Iv. Addressing formal letters formally.

v. Following rules and regulations. 

vi. Respect everyone around you.

7. Develop a smile habit

You want to look attractive to people and smile more often. People gravitate towards people who smile—smiling gives the impression that there is positivity around you, making you more attractive. Your facial expression is also very important. Your smile must show sincerity.

8. Be Tolerant

Tolerant people have a patient disposition to others, especially those who do not share their beliefs and values. Being tolerant would open you up to a whole world of learning and ideas. You would be able to learn from other people. Tolerance opens you up to a world of new ideas and opportunities.  

Developing an attractive personality is an intentional process. The high point on this is always to work on yourself. Don’t ever believe you have reached the peak of your growth and stop growing. Keep working on yourself, and never give up.

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