6 Benefits of a Mastermind Alliance You Didn’t Know About

A mastermind alliance is formed when a group of people pursuing a common objective work in perfect harmony.

In a mastermind alliance, there must be perfect harmony; otherwise, it is just a group working together. You can also draw resources from the group, such as Spiritual energy, in-depth energy, etc.

Since we have defined it in-depth previously, in this article, we shall examine why it is beneficial to be part of a mastermind alliance.

Ralph Emerson said, ‘In my walks, every man I meet is superior to me in some way in that I have something to learn from him.’

Suppose we recognize as Individuals that everyone we come across is better than us in something. In that case, we start appreciating what role a mastermind alliance can play in our personal development and achievement of success. 

I firmly believe that the major reason why God or the supreme intelligence created us is for continuous growth and continuous expansion.

Here are the six benefits of being part of a mastermind alliance:

You become more accountable.

If you are part of a group pursuing a common objective, everything you are assigned, you must remember that there are 3-4 people you look up to who will hold you accountable for yourself and the group. This will make you strive more to achieve the goal than if there’s no accountability.


Nature has so designed it that we are not good at everything. Those who are good in accounting may not be good in selling, and vice versa. As long as you are part of a group where specific people are good at specific things for everything and anything that needs to be done, you can always get support from the rest of your team members. You must understand that part of the reason for being in a mastermind is that you can draw support from other people.


When forming a mastermind alliance, ensure you bring people with diverse experience and skills. A member of the mastermind alliance can be your mentor, while another person your protégé. 


One of the important things you can benefit from a mastermind Alliance is the ability to leave your comfort zone. You will have to leave your comfort zone consistently. Only then will you stretch beyond your expectations. 

When you constantly stretch, your comfort zone expands. You find that if you want to grow, you will join a mastermind because these are people you respect, look up to, and people of competence.


With a tangible goal, you will have substantive challenges that will dampen your spirit to a large extent. And once in a while, you will need and require inspiration from the people you admire. You will stumble harder and fall harder. On your own, you will easily quit as opposed to when you are in a cheerleading group.


If you are doing work involving other people, you will find that you become better organized than if you were doing something that concerns only you. By organizing yourself in terms of time management, and your input to the group, you become better organized – organization is such a crucial part of the success that is usually underestimated.

A major mistake people make in a mastermind alliance is believing a member is indispensable. Growth and development happen at different levels. The level of tolerance you exercise towards someone depends on their tolerance to the group. 

The question should be, ‘Are there areas where they are not pulling their weight to the extent that their attitude does a disservice to the mastermind ?’ If this is the case, you go to the next step of asking if the area they are in is their native ability area.

If it is not their native ability area, then the best option is to reassign them to their native ability area. 

However, if you find that the person’s contribution to the mastermind is constantly being outweighed by what they are drawing from the group, you have to make tough decisions.

In making tough decisions, nobody is indispensable to the mastermind. With a continuous search, you will always find someone who can replace that skill.

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