Category: She Leads

She Delivers: A Move to Bridge the Gap of Women in the Transport and Logistics Industry in Kenya

4 minutes read article

She Delivers initiative as a significant project that will bridge the gender gap in the logistic and transport industry. 
How to Hugely Increase Gender Equality in Financial Services

4 minutes read article

In the financial services industry, there are two aspects to gender equality - the first aspect entails addressing representation within the industry.
Realities About Gender Based Violence and Its Types

6 minutes read article

Gender-based violence (GBV) severely violates human rights and is a life-threatening health and protection issue.
Feminism from An African Feminist's Standpoint

4 minutes read article

African feminism is a type of feminism innovated by African women that specifically addresses the conditions and needs of continental African women.
Advancements And Benefits of Feminism in An African Society

4 minutes read article

African women have also been pioneering in business. Aspiring young female entrepreneurs today have several role models they can follow.
Why Do Women Struggle to Climb the Corporate Ladder?

4 minutes read article

Why is there a significant difference in the cumulative population of women in corporate compared to men?

5 minutes read article

Women in Africa must unite and be each other's keepers because they are unique and know what affects them most as women.
Story of the First Female Radiation Oncologist in Kenya

4 minutes read article

Oncology is the branch of medicine concerned with tumors including the study of their development, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
The Rising of a Star: Opeloyeru Temitope Batly.

5 minutes read article

Batly grew up in one of the toughest environments (Idumota) in Lagos. The people in this area are known to live recklessly and without ambition.
5 Facts about International Women's Day and how to celebrate it

4 minutes read article

We need to take action towards breaking them and making it an equal playing field for everyone.
Empowerment: Stepping Up for the Women Folk

4 minutes read article

The main aim of women's empowerment is not to decapitate the man but to allow women to rule and take charge of their lives.
How I gained Prominence in Ghana's Make-up Artistry Industry

8 minutes read article

Her recent awards in 2021 include; Makeup Artist of the year Ghana Star Awards and Ghana Media and Entrepreneurship Awards, respectively

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