What To Read to Become a Better Writer

Writing is a creative skill that needs fueling and regular improvement. The better your writing skills, the more effectively your message is communicated to your target audience. 

All writers need to be readers because reading is a proven way of improving creativity and a great way for writers to master their craft. If you are interested in writing great content, be an avid reader.

Your writing goals and plans will determine the kind of books you will read. If you want to write great fiction stories, read many fictional books. You will have to read more biographies to write biographies, and for bestsellers, you must read many best-selling books. 

The best way to improve your writing skills is to practice writing continuously. Make it a habit to write daily, express your ideas, and keep practicing every day. However, some books will make you a better writer. Regardless of what you write, these books will help you sharpen your writing skills and become a better writer.

Here are the books you must read to become a better writer;

1. “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King: 

In this book, Stephen King describes his writer experience and highlights some important advice for aspiring writers. The book’s second half is focused on sharing his writing strategies and winning points for writing. One of his famous ideas is that as a writer, you should write to your ideal audience. The people you write for are your audience, and your writing should be focused on your audience’s understanding.

2. “On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction” by William Zinsser: 

Every writer should read this book by William Zinsser. This book is timeless because of its very instructive advice about writing and its clarity of style. It is very instructive and essential for everyone who needs to do a bit of writing, ranging from blog posts to emails and other forms of writing. One of the priceless pieces of advice William Zinsser gave is this; “Write as you talk”, this will allow you to carry your audience along without them feeling dragged along the way.

3. The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White.: 

This book is a must-read for all writers. It contains expressions, words, and mistakes every writer must avoid. William gives writers practical advice and an approach to writing and guides how a writer can discover his style. This book set a standard for writing.

4. Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury: 

This is a collection of essays on Creativity by Ray Bradbury. In this book, he shows his love for writing by providing writing advice. This book is a masterpiece. It helps you master the act of bringing the storyline alive.

5. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life” by Anne Lamott:

This book is a gem for beginners and people having a hard time finding their place in writing. The book offers practical advice and ideas on common writing mistakes. It also provides excellent motivation for writers who want to become more disciplined and adopt good habits to improve the quality of their life and writing. The author uses her experience to provide these instructions, making the book golden.

I hope these books will help you in your writing journey. However, you are not necessarily made a great writer by reading big titles. It is the application of the lessons learned from reading that will make you better. So don’t just read to have it in your records. Read, understand, and apply. That is the secret to becoming a better writer.

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