How to Use Applied Faith to Live the Life of Your Dreams

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How to Use Applied Faith to Live the Life of Your Dreams
By Sylvester Oluoch

Science teaches us the basic form of life and things, be it living or non-living that we all begin from basic, microscopic, formless energy. Because it vibrates in a different energy, it creates the basic things like amoeba up to supreme beings like humans.

Spirituality teaches us that all life begins from one source, a central place, and everything grows from it. You are one and the same with the source.

Now, at what time do you become disconnected from the source?

The only thing that weakens our link to the source is when our faith becomes weak.

Let’s look at, for instance, the Illustration of a phone charger. When a phone charger loses the capability to charge your phone, this means its link to the source is non-existent or weak. Thus, when human faith is weak, this is because his link to the source is weak.

The belief in yourself and belief in the universal intelligence is what keeps you going and opens up numerous opportunities for you.

Six As of applied Faith. (How do you know a person has faith?)


How do you know when a person has faith? You see it in their attitude. Look at their attitude. Do they say, “I can or I can’t?” 

How do they see challenges in life? How do they handle the challenges in their life?

This will help you determine if they have faith in themselves and others.


Here’s my favourite quote. “To know and not to do is not to know”.

When you know something and do not take action, it is the same as not knowing. Action is evidence of faith. When a person consistently takes action on a given thing, it shows that he deeply believes in it. Equally, when a person doesn’t take action to make something better, it shows he doesn’t believe in it.


People of deep faith believe that everything that happens to them is their responsibility. They accept that all they go through is their making. When you see people who take responsibility for their mistakes, and their screw-ups, you see people who practice deep faith.


These are the things you constantly affirm to yourself or things that affirm themselves to you. For people of deep faith, their continuous affirmations revolve around the good things, positive messages and unfiltered positivity.

Accuracy (of Thoughts)

People of deep faith are accurate thinkers. They keep and retain only useful information. They build systems that refine their thought processes. They train their thoughts to the extent that they produce only high-quality thoughts and, in turn, live a better life.


Once you believe it is workable, you find yourself working hard to achieve it. This is perhaps the most crucial factor that distinguishes people of deep faith from people who don’t practice deep faith. They show advancement in numerous aspects of life. This is because they believe they can accomplish most things and seek help from experienced people whenever they are stuck.

What is that thing I wish I had known earlier about faith?

I wish I had known earlier the immense power of faith. Faith is the spark that lights everything because it triggers automatic power. 

If I knew how immensely powerful faith (in me) was, then I would start doubting my doubts and believing my beliefs. That is when you silence the tiny voices that make you doubt yourself.

One thing that young people should note about faith is that everything they are looking for, whether in church, mosque, school or particular places they visit, is within them. Dig deep within the minds of your own heart, and therein you will find everything you need.

 I will leave you to ponder on this favorite quote of mine “No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it” – Napoleon Hill

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