How to Make a Vision Board to Scale Up Your Growth Journey

4 minutes read

How to Make a Vision Board that Works for You
By Oreoluwa Eminence Ojo

I remember when I was preparing to attend my first vision board party. I didn’t know what I was supposed to have, do or take along. All I knew was that I was supposed to create my vision board at the event, a vision board that would be a visual representation of my goals and objectives for the year. I learned how to make a vision and it worked for me.

There are a lot of opinions about the vision board and whether or not it works, but I have been using it since 2020, and the more I make it, the more I believe there is a magic that works with them because it works every time. In this article, I will share my secret to making a vision board that works for me.

My Secret to Making Vision Boards that work.

Understand why the vision board fail

Vision boards fail because many people do not think about what they want and why they want it. Adding a desire to your vision board just because your friend has it on hers is setting out to fail. Only include desires and goals you are ready to work towards getting on your vision board.

Know why you are making the vision board

I make my vision board because of the following reasons 

• It helps me prioritize my goals and values.

• It allows me to connect with my goals beyond words on a paper. I can see and feel what fulfilment of my goals would look like.

• Looking at my vision board constantly reminds me and motivates me to keep pressing at achieving my goals by showing me what I stand for and my values. So consciously and unconsciously, I am always aware of it.

These two main points are my secret to making my vision board for me. I also take time to do these tasks before I finally create my vision board. 

How to create your Vision Board

Material Needed

1. Poster or Cardboard 

2. Magazines (You could also print downloaded images online for your pictures)

3. Scissors

4. Glue

5. Pen and Paper.

6. Any other art supplies you may like to add (Stickers, Glitters, e.t.c)

After getting the needed materials, you should follow the steps to create your vision board.

  • Reflect on your goals and set priorities. 

You can’t have all your life goals on a vision board. This is why vision boards are made per session. You prioritize and list your priority goals. Those are going on your vision board.

  • Pick out the pictures that connect to your vision the most. 

Picking pictures for your vision board is very important. Your pictures must be pictures you connect with and ultimately capture the feelings and essence of your goals. Your pictures must motivate you. Therefore you must be intentional in choosing your pictures.

  • Give your vision board a structure. 

You can do this by dividing your board into sessions. There can be finance, health, and social session. This can be optional, but I do it for my vision board.

  • Assemble and organize your vision board. 

This is where you arrange your pictures and words on the board. 

  • Glue it all together once you are satisfied with how it is assembled. 

You glue one picture at a time and one word at a time. After this, you can add some glitters or stickers to beautify it.

  • Put it on display. 

A vision board should not be hidden in a bookshelf or drawer. It should be hung where you can see it every day and be motivated. You can take a picture of it and use it as your wallpaper, display it in your room and office. It must be your guide.

  • Use your vision board as a guide. 

Creating a vision board is just the first part of achieving your goals. From this, you can plan on how to achieve your vision. Break it into small steps and take them one day at a time.

Vision boards work, and they have been working for me. Follow the steps highlighted here and make them work for you too.

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