Five Ways to Crush the Fear of Failure

Have you ever been so scared of failing a task that you decided not to try it? Or have you ever limited your efforts in something because you fear it might not work?

The name given to that feeling is the “fear of failure.” It is a subconscious feeling that immobilizes you and limits you from doing anything.

The fear of failure can hinder you from making significant decisions in your life.

Look at this; Todo gets an invite for a job interview, but she decides not to attend it because she is scared of failing. Fear of failure does this to many. It paralyzes you and takes away the ability to do anything. Todo could have gotten the job, but she decided not to try.

Imagine if Ben Carson had given up for fear of failing or Lupita Nyong’o stopped trying because she was scared of failing. They wouldn’t be the incredible personalities we look up to today.

The fear of failure causes low self-esteem and removes hope from a person’s life.

Often the biggest obstacle in meeting life’s challenges is our fear of failure. – Daisaku Ikeda

Here are five ways to crush the fear of failure

Identify the source of the fear

Why are you afraid? What is it about the whole task that makes you scared? Why do you think you would fail? Ask yourself these questions and find the root of the fear of failure.

If you fear failure because of factors you have power over, control them and make a difference in your life. If you can’t prevent them, do your best and wait for the results. Don’t give up and fail before trying.

Redefine failure

Failure is when you don’t get the desired results after putting effort into a particular task. Redefining failure helps you maintain a healthy perspective on life in which you can find new strategies to perform tasks.

Identify the risk and prepare for it

When you are scared of failing, ask yourself these questions “What is the main thing I would lose if I fail? What are the risks involved in these steps?

Finding the answers to these questions would help you plan and reduce your chances of failing.

Think positively

Positive thinking helps combat the fear of failure. Whatsoever a man would be, starts from the mind. A man defeated in his mind can never be a victor because he cannot approach the task with a success mindset.

A success mindset is paramount in combatting the fear of failure.

Find the worst outcome possible

Knowing the worst-case scenario helps you take control of the situation.

Perhaps you are to write a scholarship examination, and you are scared of failing the exam. The worst-case scenario would be not getting the scholarship.

Knowing this would help you prepare a backup plan of how to get the funds needed for your education. And this leads us to the next point – having a backup plan.

Create a backup plan

After finding out the worst outcome, the best you can do is come up with a backup plan. That way, if you fail, you have only failed forward and can progress from there.

A backup plan is a ticket to taking more confident actions and calculated risks. A backup plan also reduces the fear of failure and prepares you for the unknown.

The fear of failure can stop you from taking tangible steps in life. So approach life matters with the “I Will mindset” instead of worrying about things you have no control over. Write down the things you can work on and list how you will handle them. You can crush failure.

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