Empowerment: Stepping Up for the Women Folk

It is International Women’s Day. A day set aside to celebrate and encourage women all over the world.

Before I dive into the agenda of the day, I want to do something a little bit different. Take a deep breath and think about all the women in your life. From your family to the random beautiful lady that smiled at you today on your way to work. Now celebrate them for they truly deserve to be celebrated.

Back to the agenda;

Women empowerment!

This is a statement that is widely spoken and often misunderstood. There are a lot of misconceptions about the statement female empowerment and I will be clearing some of them now.

Female empowerment is not female favoritism, neither is it creating a smooth path for females only. Female empowerment is creating equal opportunities for the girl child and women. It is allowing females to make decisions and assume positions based on their abilities and strength. Female empowerment is stepping up for the female folk and allowing them to be who they want to be. It is not seeing the female gender as a limitation but as a strength.

How can you step up for the female folk?

Train her:

Every girl child deserves proper training. Education is really important.

Proper education and training give the girl child wings to fly. She can become whatever she wants to be when she has been properly taught and educated. Education gives the female folk opportunity to follow her dreams and actualize them.

The reasoning here is that, in the rescuing of ‘Rose’ in the sinking Titanic, there was the salvation of a generation, for unknown to even herself, Rose was a few hours pregnant, and she went on to help continue the perpetuation of the human species. In short, when I save a drowning man, I know who I am saving. As for a woman, I could be saving a nation in the form of a nascent life!

Mentor and Guide her:

The girl child grows up to be a woman. So the girl child is important in female empowerment. The girl child just like every other child needs mentorship and guidance. There are some mistakes and errors that can be avoided with proper mentorship and there is some work that would be easier for the female child if there is mentorship. In every field that the woman decides to venture in, guide and mentor her just as you would mentor any other person.

Support her:

Say to a woman today “I believe in you. Your dreams are Valid and you can do it.” If you say this to a woman, you have shown her your support. You have supported her dreams and encouraged her. Everyone needs support regardless of gender. This is why it is important to support the female folk. By supporting her, you are showing you care about her and you are rooting for her success.

The main aim of women’s empowerment is not to decapitate the man but to allow women to rule and take charge of their lives. It is to allow women to dream and know that with hard work, their dreams will come true. It is to allow gender not to be a hindrance to the female population.

On this beautiful day, allow me to end with this quote from our CEO.

“Take as many girls to school as you can. Help as many women get started on life as you can. The reason women deserve priority in everything is that a man is an individual, a woman is a people. You will have to watch the Titanic movie to understand”

Sylvester Oluoch – CEO Success Afrika

A woman is a people. That is the power of a woman. A woman carries life and she impacts lives.

To every woman out there, we say, Happy International Women’s Day!!!

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